Parenting 101

Justin Brown
4 min readJun 21, 2023


Parenting is an incredible journey filled with love, joy, and challenges. As parents, we strive to provide the best possible upbringing for our children/teens, ensuring their happiness and well-being. In this article, I will share 9 valuable tips to help you navigate the complexities of parenthood and raise confident, resilient, and emotionally intelligent children.

Tune into my Podcast for another in-depth review and audio version of this topic on Spotify and Amazon Music.

1. Establish a Consistent Routine:

A consistent daily routine provides a sense of security and stability for children. Implement regular sleep schedules, meal times, and designated study or play hours. This structure fosters healthy habits, promotes emotional well-being, and helps children thrive academically.

You can have the children practice a good routine with Arts & Crafts as well (it makes it easier for them to digest learning discipline) Example of something is shown below. {You can create one all on your own and it’s EASY!!

It doesn’t have to look exactly like this, nor have the same routine. Feel free to use this as a template to create one for your child/children. it can go as far as having one only for after school or for the whole day {Your choice.}

2. Encourage Open Communication:

Create a safe and supportive environment where your child feels comfortable expressing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Active listening and non-judgmental responses will strengthen the parent-child bond, build trust, and foster a healthy sense of self-esteem.

I would, with this being said, want to exercise a bit of caution with this… If you allow too much wiggle room for your child to express themselves with you, it could spark insubordination down the line. You want them to trust you (Duh, your their parent so that goes without saying) but, you most importantly, want them to RESPECT you. While having this bond with your children, you want them to have and learn balance on when they can speak to you to open up AND when they should lay their hand on their mouth to receive your instruction.

3. Set Clear Boundaries:

Building off of the ending of point 2, establishing clear boundaries helps children understand acceptable behavior, develop self-discipline, and feel secure. Consistently enforce age-appropriate rules, while explaining the reasoning behind them (SN: B/C you are the parent, be sure not to always feel as though all your actions need “explanation” What you say goes. You do sometimes need to explain that they don’t do the same thing later should it be a mistake). Consistency and positive reinforcement will reinforce boundaries effectively. You don’t always want to “seem” bossy (even though you are the boss) B/C they won’t always receive it and learn. You have to learn to add a bit of positivity and flexibility with your children while still establishing CLEAR authority.

4. Prioritize Quality Time:

Amidst our busy lives, it’s crucial to dedicate uninterrupted quality time with your child. Engage in activities they enjoy, such as playing games, reading together, or simply having heartfelt conversations. These moments create lasting memories and strengthen your parent-child bond.

5. Foster Independence:

Encourage your child’s independence by allowing them age-appropriate responsibilities and decision-making opportunities. Teaching self-reliance and problem-solving skills helps build confidence, resilience, and a sense of empowerment. In you doing this, don’t forget that they still rely on you to help with any points they may be stuck in. Give them the right amount of freedom without compromising what they should naturally give to you.

6. Nurture Emotional Intelligence:

Being at a young age (anywhere between 5–12) kids typically don’t know how to properly express themselves minus the usual child fits. When they become teenagers and older, you want to (even while in the young age range) instill in them clever and prudent ways to express their emotions without causing offence to others IF AT ALL POSSIBLE.

  • Now this being said, take the time out of your schedule to show them self defence. This places confidence and it also aids in emotional intelligence. Knowing this helos to surpress cockyness and anger, as well can teach your child to have a leveled head.
  • make no mistake, YOU have to be their main teacher, not someone else in all these aspects (minus self defence if your not a professional). If you don’t step into their life in their upbringing, this will spark insubordination.

7. Lead by Example:

Children learn by observing their parents. Model the behaviors and values you wish to instill in your child. Show kindness, respect, empathy, and integrity, humility & Authority in your interactions with others (not all at the same time, but at the appropriate times). Your actions speak louder than words.

8. Encourage Healthy Habits:

Promote a healthy lifestyle by emphasizing the importance of balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and adequate sleep. Involve your child in meal planning and preparation, engage in family outdoor activities, and establish consistent bedtime routines.

9. Celebrate Achievements and Efforts:

Acknowledge and celebrate your child’s achievements, both big and small. Encourage their passions and efforts rather than solely focusing on outcomes. Recognizing their hard work and perseverance fosters self-confidence and motivates them to continue striving for success.


Parenting is a challenging yet immensely rewarding journey. By following these 9 essential tips, you can create a nurturing and supportive environment for your child’s development. Remember, each child is unique, so adapt these suggestions to suit your family’s needs. Embrace the joy of parenting, and cherish the special moments you share with your children as they grow into remarkable individuals. Not every single thing is mentioned here, but extract ehat you can and continue to learn.



Justin Brown

Keeping you updated on both Mind and Professionalism