Justin Brown
5 min readJan 23, 2022

It's often spoken now in these days that “The Woman” Can be

  1. Empowering
  2. Self sufficient
  3. Strong
  4. Domineering
  5. and lastly (Hence the title) INDEPENDENT

By any means this won’t be a long article, but I will touch on each point briefly to see whether it is a good thing for the everyday woman to have an American independent mindset…

Little about me BTW; I’m a bible believer. My standpoint will be based on understanding of scripture. This being said, though you see a Beautiful black woman to the ->, This is for any woman who fits these criteria REGARDLESS of race.



  • Today’s (Millennial) Generation has been far separated from the traditional nuclear family as once popularly stated back during the Baby Boom Generation. During the Baby Boom Generation, the thought was that of a traditional and honest order in the home… (1st. Man, 2nd. Woman. 3rd. Children) {Also reference, 1 Corinthians 11:3–5}. Why use the title Empowering and what does that mean for this current day's woman?
  • To Empower:

I want you to pay attention, not to the definition, but also the highlighted portions. Notice these synonyms and what title is being used to describe this type of woman. For our beloved sisters/woman, this would indicate that they are shackled to having to obey and fall underneath man's authority, however, her role isn’t to be the top dog on the planet; Women back in the day understood this with absolute clarity. (Colossians 3:18 For reference) I want you to meditate on what’s being said here and read between the lines about how far society has fallen from a common and ancient order we’ve abandoned.


  • Let's start with the definition shall we…
  • I’d like to start breaking down this title by saying that the reason most woman think this way, is due to them believing that being ‘MODERN’ is a help to the society as we further along generation after generation. Modern (In brief) Is when you forsake traditional values and ancient paths in order to be “up to date” or “Modern”. Nothing is wrong with a woman that knows how to take care of herself; NOTHING IS WRONG WITH A WOMAN THAT KNOWS HOW TO TAKE CARE OF HERSELF, but something is wrong with thinking that you can survive your life safely and happily without your protection, which is the man.
  • This thought is framed from (ILL SAY IT LIKE IT IS) Too MUCH TV! Not enough reading and education of basic life skills is taught nor practiced. In case you missed it, so you can see the scope of what it means, Look at the ‘Antonym’ Of the word self-sufficient.


  • I’ll bother not to screenshot the definition for this one (seeing that it’s a pretty common word today). Instead, I will briefly mention this:
  • A woman can be strong in mind and spirit; BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN SHE MUST BE ALONE. This common thought that a woman being INDEPENDENT & STRONG, means that she can do bad all by herself without the help of a Man.
  • Psychologically, no one is to be alone; This notion that the woman has to be the sole provider in her life gives way too MANY women being alone, old-single, and now (seeing the percentage rise month over month) dying alone.

4. Domineering

  • This is “asserting one’s will over another in an arrogant way.”
  • Ever since the Feminist movement, women have had the urge to prove that ‘THEY CAN, WITHOUT THE MAN”
  • Do understand that since this movement, it was NEVER a thing for the woman to be “INDEPENDENT” There was always a nuclear family and a more stable household. Since this movement, women have had an uptick in abortions, child abandonment, terrible fertility, as well as suicide.
  • If you want to check my source, feel free (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165032720328706 )


  • As per the definition, so is the mindset.
  • Ill re reference the Feminist movement again. Since then, it’s been an uproar for the woman to get = rights with the man and be free from being the woman at home WHO actually makes sure she cares for her young, to a woman that doesn’t need one or presumes that the relationship is 50/50.
    Sisters, HELP YOUR MAN NOT ABANDON. You are there to be an aide and help to a lifelong journey with the man, not release yourself from under his wing
  • Take a good look at the highlighted portions:
  • And undisciplined woman is an unruly one! No matter the amount of money you make or degree you have. Sometimes the richest of them suffer sad lives. Don’t be so smart, you end up stupid
  • Wild in nature and having Hot girl summer mindset also falls with this. This plays a part in MANY of the woman being promiscuous.
  • Headstrong — Good example of this one
  • The man corrects her about where she may be off, but she’s so stuck on being right and correct, she uses biting sarcasm and smart remarks, not understanding that the correction is possible to make her better, not hurt. (Even though sometimes correction does hurt lol)


This woman need not say that there are no good men out there if she herself has not examined herself first. Don’t make broad statements about the other gender when the pool you pick from is VERY selected and always in the same category. You attract people like the way you act. Be mindful of your actions and, please don’t take this as slander. This article is for you to look at self, if it's not you, then let the water roll off your back. But, if it is, self-assess and GET BETTER. Keep what skills you’ve learned and ADD THEM TO THE REALATIONSHIP, NOT TEAR THEM AWAY.

Justin Brown

Keeping you updated on both Mind and Professionalism